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Antistatic wrist belt electrostatic ring is a ring worn on human body, the wrist,discharge device placed human accumulation of electrostatic charge. It consists of a linear, wireless, a metal ring and the mixed rubber conductive wire ring.This product belongs to one of the anti-static wrist strap buckle regulation line, it can be zero resistance effective protection, from electrostatic interference,electrostatic to release the body. It is made of antistatic elastic band, flexible button, spring cord, resistance and chuck. Anti static yarn woven with theinner, outer ordinary yarn. A principle of preventing static wired wrist strap isthe human body electrostatic guide to earth via the wristband and grounding wire. When using the wrist strap and skin contact, and ensure that the ground is directly grounded, so as to maximize the effectiveness of. Wearing the anti-static wrist strap, electrostatic it can in 0 seconds of time safely remove the bodyproduces, grounding wrist strap is anti-static equipment in the most basic, is also the most widely used.